Monday, December 16, 2019

What did you do?

  • Tell a story - a story with pictures especially about when you found (or made) these little things:

I got chased by the seeker.

I crafted a pickax 

I mined some iron ore

What did you learn?

  • Are you advancing?
  • I haven't been able to learn anything new because i had to restart.

  • what new TIPS & TRICKS can you share? ..with IMAGES
Again i haven't been able to learn any tips due to my save corrupting
What is your plan for tomorrow?

  • tell your audience what is next for your adventure
  • After i post this i'll have to restart to hard mode

  • add an image of your airship

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Monday, December 9, 2019

Game Journalism Day 3 - the difference

wobble heads?

What's the difference?

-more stuff to craft
-more locations
-more mpc's
-Bobble Heads
-new side quest system
-seeker spawns faster
-buckets hold water know

What did you do today?

-outline your interactions in the game...with IMAGES
I killed a man on top of the mountain. After i stole all of his food and headed down to a cave. i found out that the cave kills you know, but i got the iron i wanted.

What did you learn?
-show -with IMAGES- at least 3 difference between the versions.

What will you do next day?

-the game continues - what will you do next?
i will most likely craft a gun to kill the seeker

Add an IMAGE of your airship

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday, December 6, 2019

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker

What did you do today?
I was able to craft a lab and a kitchen. I was able to take a screen shot of a fish and i killed the guy there.

  • image of seeker
  • image of a town from the air
  • image of your airship

What did you learn?

i learned how the crafting menu worked and how to properly evade the seeker
  • tips and tricks for your readers
for example - what is the quick way to gather all items from something you have opened?

answer the following with an image
  • where do you get a stone axe from?
  • what items can you eat? 
  1. image of CAN 
  2. image of COOKED can
  3. image of a COOKED FISH
  4. image of a LIVE fish
  5. image of a mushroom
  6. images of cactus fruit

    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    What TYPE of game is this?
    This is a survival game set in the middle of the desert.

    What do you did yesterday to win the game?
    I had to find enough supplies to last long enough out live the snake. 

    Explain what you see and how to play the game.
    Your set in a desert scene trying to collect enough food and water while at the same time
    you have to collect wood for fuel.
    SIX- screenshots 

    • 3 of items to collect - with captions
    • 3 of the scenery - with captions
    • add your blog address - in the image
    • add a caption explaining what each item is - under the image
    What is your plan?

      Wednesday, October 2, 2019

      Thursday, September 26, 2019

      Tuesday, September 24, 2019

      code shapes 2

      I learn't enough code so i could program my arrow to make a perfect square with clolor


      Thursday, September 5, 2019

      my predicted grade

      bgcolor="sienna" bgcolor="firebrick"
      bgcolor="darkgoldenrod" bgcolor="palegreen" bgcolor="mediumpurple"